יום א Date: 26 Cheshvan, 5776 (11/8/14) – Sotah#13 {Eliezer}

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[13a middle] Gemarah: The Jews were criticized for being busy collecting many spoils while they were leaving Egypt [as opposed to Moshe who was involved in Mitzvos].
Beis Yoseph: Although G-d had promised that the Jews would gather many riches, He did not tell them to completely “empty out” Egypt.

D-E-ep Thoughts (R’ Rosner): Even though we get ‘permission’ to do many things in life, we must not become over-indulged in them [ie: we have a ‘Mitzvah’ to eat on Shabbos, but we should not over-stuff our faces]. The “pleasures” in life must all be gathered in proper fashions with constant appropriate methods and limitations.