12 Adar II, 5774 (3/14/14) – Sukkah#39 {Tani}

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Gemarah 39A bottom: We should only buy three meals or less at a time from an ignoramus (Am haaretz). We try to avoid causing him to stumble by having too much money in his hands. He would not know what to do with it properly, and stumble in the realms of halacha (Jewish law). We avoid “lifnei iiver lo sitein michshol” (“do not put a stumbling block in front of a blind person”). To be extra careful (for his sake), we give him less to use the amount properly for that day.

T’s Lesson: This is a profound lesson in how careful we have to be with our fellow human beings. We are required to be so attuned to the needs and limits of people who are undereducated (am ha’aretz).  Additionally, we should be careful with people we deal with everyday who have much more knowledge. They have more challenges to be aware of! We should make sure not to put any stumbling blocks in front of anyone we deal with. This applies to family, friends, and acquaintances at work. When in public (ie: in front of non-jews) we should be super cautious so as to only cause a Kiddush Hashem (sanctification of G-d’s name).