12 Adar II, 5774 (3/14/14) – Sukkah#39 {Eliezer}

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Rava: Do not interpret between the words “Yehay Shemai Raba” and the word Mevorach when answering in Kaddish.

Tosephos: Read it either Yehay Shemay Rabah “G-d’s GREAT name”… OR as Machzor Vitri explains: Yehai Shemay Raba “G-d’s name should BECOME GREAT…” The difference is if we are describing what IS or HOPING what WILL be .

Rashi at end of Beshalach: (which we read Purim morning) The “Kisei” (Throne) of G-d is missing the letter Aleph. This is because G-d’s throne is not complete nowadays, due to Amalek (creating distance from and doubt about G-d). We are also reading Parshas Amalek this Shabbos as well. [HASHGACHA – (shows Divine Providence Again in Adar)]

E’s lesson: Always remember that as good as we may have it, our lives are still not complete until we accomplish our goals. The ultimate redemption is to bring Hashem’s presence openly back to the physical world. Everyday we must strive to come closer to G-d, thereby bringing Him closer to us in return. This way we will merit the destruction of Amalek, the completeness of G-d’s Throne and the coming of Moshiach speedily in our days.