יום ב Date: 7 Sivan, 5775 (5/25/15) – Kesuvos#112 {Tani}
[112b end] R’ Ami and R’ Assi used to stand up and move in the middle of Torah learning from the sunlight to the shade in the summertime (to protect themselves from the heat), and from the shade to the sunlight during the cold winters (to warm up), in order not to complain about any aspect of living in Israel.
Ben Yehoyada: We should learn not to speak bad of even one amah (Talmudic unit of measurement ~20 inches) of Israel [even about the weather, foods, or buildings; never slander our Holy land].
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Especially since our land is a gift, why would we speak badly of it?! We should always be careful to speak only positively of Eretz Yisrael and of everyONE else around us.