יום א Date: 6 Sivan, 5775 (5/24/15) – Kesuvos#111 {Tani}

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[111b middle] R’ Elazar saw that R’ Yochanan was troubled by his statement [that whoever does not make use of the light of the Torah , the light of the Torah will not revive him during Techias Hameisim (resurrection of the dead)], so he thought of a remedy. People should support Torah scholars, because the verse says, “But you who cling to Hashem your G-d, you are all alive today.” [Since one can not literally cling to a supernatural being, as it says, “For Hashem your G-d he is a consuming fire,” rather it means that whoever marries a daughter to a Torah scholar, or engages in business on behalf of Torah scholars, or benefits Torah scholars with his/her possessions, scripture reckons it as if he/she were clinging to the divine presence.”]

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Many times we may get disheartened because we can not learn as much as we wish to. But, as long as we support Torah scholars and Torah institutions, we will merit a clinging to and closeness to G-d.