יום ה Date: 25 Iyar, 5775 (5/14/15) – Kesuvos#101 {Eliezer}

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[101b middle] R’ Huna: If a man knew a woman was an Ailyanus (a woman incapable of procreating) before their marriage, then the union is complete. But if he was unaware, it is a Mekach Taos (invalid ‘sale’) and the marriage is not valid. However, if the woman is an Almana (divorced woman) whether he had this knowledge or not, the marriage is fully binding.
R’ Rosner: What is the difference here between physical & Halachic maladies? Usually, by physical desires such as food (ie: ice cream), people have very hard times maintaining self control. But (if we are religiously observant), while we are Fleishiks (after eating meat for 5-6 hrs) we have no difficulty around dairy products and can stay away easily.
Chazon Ish [Even Ha’ezer 79]: By relationship matters, the opposite is true. We can easily use physical deformities as excuses to dismiss temptation, but religious barriers do not possess much power.

D-E-ep Thoughts: In all aspects of our lives, we must recognize our weak points. It is not enough just to believe we are strong, but to set up appropriate precautions and appropriate fences. Our Yetzer Hara (evil inclination)’s job is to test our limits, but when we are aware of this, knowing is half the battle.