יום ב Date: 22 Iyar, 5775 (5/11/15) – Kesuvos#98 {Tani}

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[98b bottom] R’ Yaakov from Nehar Pekod quoting Ravina in a Mishnah: If a homeowner said to his agent, “give one piece of meat from the pot to each guest, and the agent told each to take two pieces, and they each took three, and it was later found out that the food was Hekdesh (sanctified), the law is that all of them have committed Me’ilah (sin of misappropriation of Holy food).

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We are each responsible for our own actions. Even if we send agents to do our (bad) bidding, we and they are independently held accountable. We must be careful about collateral damage that we cause due to our activities we set in motion.