שבת Date: 20 Iyar, 5775 (5/9/15) – Kesuvos#96 {Eliezer}

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[96a top] Gemarah: The Rabbis enacted different laws regarding property ownership between a woman and her husband and those ownership questions relating to a woman and her husband’s heirs (that may also be supporting her post-marriage). This was done in order not to create any animosity between a husband and wife.

D-E-ep Thoughts: Hashem, the Torah and our Rabbis always try best to keep the highest levels of peace in the home. Our spousal relationships are the most important aspects of our lives. They truly define ourselves during our best and worst times of life. If G-d is willing to bend His laws and creation to ensure Shalom Bayis, think of how much more we need to constantly be extra careful and keep up our ‘A games.’ We must mirror the Torah’s values in actuality to keep the Torah’s creation of the world in highest pure form.