יום ד Date: 17 Iyar, 5775 (5/6/15) – Kesuvos#93 {Tani}
[93b bottom] R’ Nachman quoting Rabbah bar Avuha: If three people deposited money into a fund and they had a loss or profit, they share in it in this manner. The “profit,” refers to new coins that are easier to spend (Rashi: if face value of coins stays the same, they take back what they put in, but if they generate a profit the divide it equally), and the “loss,” means that the coins were invalidated by the government and thus became usable only ‘for placement on a wound on the bottom of the foot,’ (Rashi: the coins can be used for therapeutic purposes and they share in the loss proportionally).
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Everything has its place in this world as Hashem never creates something that does not have a specific purpose. Seemingly ‘useless’ coins can help treat a foot wound. Even when we cannot understand specific functions or purposes [ie: tonsils or mosquitos], we should strive to recognize that G-d puts everyone and everything here in this world for an exact reason.