יום ד Date: 17 Iyar, 5775 (5/6/15) – Kesuvos#93 {Eliezer}

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[93a top] Professor Aumann explaining the Mishnah: When three claimants demand varying amounts, whatever is argued upon is split equally and what is not argued about is given according to what is agreed. This understanding of “equal division of contested sums,” is worked out with a deeper understanding through modern calculations. “[Our Mishnah’s mystery] is like “Alice in Wonderland.” The ‘game theory’ provides the key to the garden, which Alice had such great difficulty in obtaining. Once in the garden, though, Alice can discard the key; the garden can be enjoyed without it.”
[for full detail read: http://dept.econ.yorku.ca/~jros/docs/AumannGame.pdf]

D-E-ep Thoughts: What we are able to learn and “discover” in the modern world, has been known and revealed to the greats way before us. As Koheles [1:9] teaches, “there is nothing new under the sun.” We must work on the knowledge and truth that has been passed down from our ancestors, while embracing science and technology to unravel the secrets of the Torah and our world.