שבת Date: 13 Iyar, 5775 (5/2/15) – Kesuvos#89 {Tani}

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[89b bottom] Rav Chiya bar Abbah in a Braisa: If a man’s Erusah (engaged woman) dies, he does not mourn for her as an Onein (one whose close relative passed away and has not been buried yet) nor does he become Tamei (impure) for her (if he is a Kohen) [and the same laws apply to a woman if her betrothed husband dies].

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Many times in life, we are called upon to do things that are difficult physically and emotionally. Even though we may have certain strong attachments, we have to find deep inner strength to act in accordance with proper Halacha (Jewish law). Hashem only asks us to do things that are within our capabilities (though we should never know from such hardships and only experience Simchos and good occurrences) in order to elevate us and help us to become greater individuals through these challenges.