10 Adar II, 5774 (3/12/14) – Sukkah#37 {Tani}

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Rabbah: Haddasim used for the mitzvah are assur (prohibited) to smell, while the esrog used for a mitzvah is mutar (allowed) to be smelled. Why? Because the haddasim are inherently made to be a smelling spice for its mitzvah. When we sanctify/separate it for Hashem, we separate it for its smell. However, an esrog is usually made for eating. Therefore, when we sanctify it for Hashem, we separate from eating it only, but not from smelling it.

T’s Lesson #1: When we set aside things for Hashem, keep in mind that all things belong to Hashem. He allows us to partake of His different items in this world. When we have to “give something back,” it is just like returning an item to its rightful owner (i.e. when we separate challah from bread, and the obligation of giving tzedakah).

T’s Lesson #2: Everyone and everything has its set place and unique function in the world. Just as the haddasim were made for smelling, and the esrog for tasting, so too each thing in this world has a purpose. Hashem has reasons for each creation. King David realized that a spider weaved a web in order to spare his life from Shaul. We should merit to see the reasons for each creature and item in this world. Set your radios to the proper frequencies, and ‘Tune into the Greatness.’