יום ד Date: 10 Iyar, 5775 (4/29/15) – Kesuvos#86 {Tani}
[86a top] R’ Nachman once gave advice to a relative, but after the fact he regretted having done so. Initially, he reasoned through the verse [Isaiah 58:7], “and from your kin you shall not hide yourself,” and considered himself obligated to help his relative. However, post facto, he understood that a prominent person is different and should avoid advising relatives who are involved in litigation (as others would follow his ways and possibly err in advising improperly).
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always be critically careful when giving advice, because it could lead to trouble if not done accurately. We should pause to take a moment and weigh our words before they fleetingly escape us.