יום ג Date: 9 Iyar, 5775 (4/28/15) – Kesuvos#85 {Tani}

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[85b bottom] Gemarah: A man passes away and leaves his property to a certain person with recognizing him only by a first name (ie: Toviah). If two men come to claim the property, one a neighbor to the deceased and one a relative of the deceased, the inheritance is awarded to the neighbor. The verse [Proverbs 27:10]: “A close neighbor is better than a distant brother,” implies that constant communication is preferred to estranged familial associations [Rosh as explained by Beis Yosef Choshen Mishpat 253:29, and Perishah there and Rashi, Magadura Kamma cited by Shita Mekubetzes].

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Just because we are “close” to people by blood or location, it does not automatically create proper connections. We are obligated to treat our distant neighbors just as friendly as our intimate brothers. We must constantly work on our social interactions and take care to include all the members of our Tribe.