יום ו Date: 5 Iyar, 5775 (4/24/15) – Kesuvos#81 {Tani}
[81a bottom] Braisa: R’ Abba asked Sumchos how a Yavam (who performed Yebum with his deceased brother’s wife) who wishes to reacquire the property of his brother, could gain it back. Sumchos explained that if he is a Kohen he should make her a lavish feast and try to persuade her.
Rashi: Since he can not divorce her, sell the land, and then remarry her (because he is a Kohen, and restricted from marrying a divorcée), he should rather lighten her mood and cajole her.
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: When we are trying to close any deal or make an exchange, we have to know how to properly handle the other parties involved. We should never force issues or opinions on others. We need to sit down, like Mentches, and discuss ideas over dinner, while presenting our cases in polite, gentle, yet convincing manners. This applies both in the business world and within our immediate families. We should always keep calm and deliver relaxed approaches without losing our tempers or controls, when trying to get our messages across.