יום ה Date: 4 Iyar, 5775 (4/23/15) – Kesuvos#80 {Tani}
[80b top] Gemarah: If a husband “sold” his wife’s field, for the rights of its produce, he has not accomplished anything. Abaye: The buyer is suspect to allow the field to deteriorate [as the purchaser thinks that the field might be seized at any day (as the sale is not completely valid), and would therefore not maintain it properly].
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We are all given special “property” to maintain throughout our entire lives; our Neshamos (souls) and bodies. But, how well do we maintain our own selves? How much Torah do we learn? How many good deeds do we amass? How much charity do we give? How healthy do we eat? We should realize that just as land has to be taken care of (seeded, plowed, watered and nurtured), so too do our own properties need much tending to, as they are direct gifts from G-d.