יום ד Date: 3 Iyar, 5775 (4/22/15) – Kesuvos#79 {Tani}
[79b bottom] Mishnah: If old slaves or maidservants fell to a married woman as an inheritance, they should be sold and the proceeds should be used to buy land (of which her husband may eat the produce). Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel: She need not sell them because they represent the prestige of her father’s house [and therefore people can see what she brought into her marriage (Rashi, Mahadura Hamma cited by Shita Mekubetzes)].
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Sometimes we do not take pride in our ancestors’ belongings. We are too quick to dismiss them as old, haggard looking, and ancient/worn out. “This dresser is so old and outdated, why should I care if it was my great grandmother’s?” We must learn to take pride in our heirlooms and recall from where we came. Recognize our “Jewish pride” and remember to respect our roots while remaining firmly planted.