יום ב Date: 1 Iyar, 5775 (4/20/15) – Kesuvos#77 {Tani}
[77b bottom] When R’ Chanina bar Pappa died, a column of fire appeared and stood as a separation between him and everyone else [this only happened for one or two people in a generation].
Maharsha: This showed that the deceased was in a spiritual category distinct from and superior to the other righteous people he was leaving behind [as none of them were worthy of being in the same domain with him].
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Nowadays, we are not worthy of viewing miraculous fires. However, we should still be inspired by great people, by reading their stories and learning their teachings. Torah is compared to a fire, and when we learn the Torah of great ones who are presently with us, we could feel this fire as well. We should always try to ignite our souls with passionate flames of infrangible love through clinging to Hashem, His Torah, and our sages among us.