יום ב Date: 1 Iyar, 5775 (4/20/15) – Kesuvos#77 {Eliezer}

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[77b middle] R’ Yehoshua ben Levi would learn with people who were afflicted with raasan (parasites that spread disease to the brain). Even though it was considered a ‘dangerous situation,’ the Rabbi was not phased because Torah creates a spiritual protective forcefield from all physical dangers [quoting Rashi & R’ Elchanan Wasserman explained by R’ Rosner].

D-E-ep Thoughts: We are tasked with guarding our physical bodies from harm in this world. But, we must never think that it is our own actions that are safeguarding ourselves. We only act because we are commanded to do so, but the result is always up to G-d. We can never honestly be fearful of any dangers if we understand we are in Hashem’s hands. What will be, will be, and spirituality always shapes physical realities.