יום ו Date: 28 Nisan, 5775 (4/17/15) – Kesuvos#74 {Tani}
[74a middle] Rav Acha bar Yaakov: Moshe instructed Yehoshua to act as his agent when giving the east bank of the Jordan to the tribes that chose to live there, if they fulfilled Moshe’s condition of helping to fight alongside their Jewish brethren when waging war against their enemies in Israel. From here we learn that any stipulation that cannot be executed by an agent, is not regarded as a valid condition [ie: Chalitzah can not be accomplished through an agent and therefore, a stipulation cannot be attached to it].
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Many times, people make deals but do not keep up their end of the bargain. Other times, people try to manipulate or take advantage of others. We must learn from our greats before us how best to act appropriately while fulfilling our promises. We must always act truthfully with our fellow Jews as well as other nations around us for the sake of Kiddush Hashem (sanctifying G-d).