יום ו Date: 28 Nisan, 5775 (4/17/15) – Kesuvos#74 {Eliezer}

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[74 middle] Rav Acha bar Yaakov: If one may assign an agent to a particular task, one may also attach a stipulation to the specific agreement.
Tosephos: The power to assign an agents reflects a “Baylus” (ownership) and therefore one may also stipulate conditions. This is unlike Aveiros (prohibitive negative commandments) wherein one does not have the authority to assign an agent (to violate).

D-E-ep Thoughts: We do not hold “ownership” in Aveiros. If a pure soul ever sins (G-d forbid) the Aveira does not become a part of the person. We are inherently good and can become ever greater through positive deeds. We must remember that any evil drives that we feel or encounter are truthfully only external to our holy spiritual portion [and that will help us push the Yetzer Hara (evil inclination) away)].