יום ד Date: 26 Nisan, 5775 (4/15/15) – Kesuvos#72 {Tani}

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[72a top] Braisa: R’ Meir quoted the verse, “It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, for that is the end of all man and the living should take it to heart.” If one eulogizes, buries, cries for, escorts, and carries the dead of others, when he/she passes away, others will do all the same for him/her.

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Honoring the dead is an honest “Chesed Shel Emes” (charity of truth), to which the dead can never repay a person for. However, Hashem keeps a strict accounting of all of a person’s deeds and works within the fashion of “Middah K’negged Middah” (measure for measure). G-d ensures that people will always be properly paid back with the honor and respect that they gave unto others.