יום ג Date: 25 Nisan, 5775 (4/14/15) – Kesuvos#71 {Tani}

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[71b bottom] Gemarah: The verse states, “It shall be on that day, says Hashem, that you (Israel) will call Me ‘my husband’ and will no longer call Me ‘my master,’” (indicating a more intimate relationship). R’ Yochanan: This means that Israel will then be like a bride in her father in law’s house and no longer like a bride in her own father’s house (even though now Israel seems to be in an Erusin (engagement) relationship with G-d, it will ultimately reach the greater Nesuin relationship (of a full marriage).

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We are here in this world to do the will of Hashem by being His chosen people (His “bride”). When we learn Torah, do Mitzvos, and sanctify G-d’s name, we are enhancing our relationship with Him, by acting as his fully exclusive “partner.” May we always work on sanctifying all of our intimate relationships, both with G-d and all of our close loved ones.