שבת Date: 22 Nisan, 5775 (4/11/15) – Kesuvos#68 {Tani}

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[68a top] R’ Chiya bar Rav from Difti quoting a Braisa: R’ Yehoshua ben Kurcha: Whoever averts his eyes from charity is considered as one who worships idols [we learn this from comparing the same word used in two verses: It is written (regarding charity), “Beware lest there be an irresponsible (‘Bliyaal’) thought in your heart,” and it is also written “irresponsible (Bliyaal) men went out (to entice city dwellers to do idolatry).”].

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Helping the poor is an underlying necessity and it is embedded in our faith. People who feel that others are not worthy of their help/time only really care about  themselves, and self-centered individuals only worship themselves (and exclude G-d). We must recognize the relevance of our actions and focus on caring and catering for others, while following Hashem’s commandments.