יום ו Date: 29 Adar, 5775 (3/20/15) – Kesuvos#46 {Eliezer}

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[46a top] R’ Nosson: We are taught the prohibition against slandering from, “Beware of any evil word.” R’ Eliyahu Shlessinger: When Bilam was on his was to curse the Jews, G-d made his donkey talk back to him. Hashem chose this method of communication (rather than just a booming Heavenly voice shouting from the skies), to teach him that if he was going to use his speech for negative purposes, he was no better than a talking donkey.

D-E-ep Thoughts: Our speech is what differentiates us from animals. We must never debase ourselves through improper or negative words. Three people are directly hurt through vilification (the talker, the listener, and the one being spoken about). May we always recognize the holiness inside every individual and only bring forth positive energies through praise and appreciation.