יום ד Date: 27 Adar, 5775 (3/18/15) – Kesuvos#44 {Eliezer}

[ A+ ] /[ A- ]


[44a middle] Gemarah: If A has a field neighboring to B’s property and sells it to C, B may insist on exercising his ‘right of first purchase’ (for C can find fields to buy elsewhere; but B can only increase his continued property adjacent to his current line). This ‘right’ is derived from the verse, [Devarim 6:18] “You shall do that which is right and good in the eyes of G-d.”
RambaN: The Torah demands us to go above and beyond the letter of the law. It is impossible for the Torah to detail every application and situation of our lives. We are given 613 “categories” for us to do what we think G-d would want.

D-E-ep Thoughts: Many times people do things that are “technically” OK, because it does not outright violate any prohibition. We are not put on this world to sneak around and grab as many ‘free candies’ as we can stuff into our pockets. Hashem wants us to be upstanding individuals that are so holy as to enable His light to shine further in this world. We should always put ourselves on pedestals and act in ways we think our greatests would… Think, “What would Moshe do?”