יום ד Date: 20 Adar, 5775 (3/11/15) – Kesuvos#37 {Tani}
[37b middle] R’ Nachman quoting Rabbah bar Avuha: The verse states, ״ואהבת לרעך כמוך״ (and you shall love your fellow as yourself), which teaches us that if your fellow has been condemned to die, choose for him a favorable death [ie: if a person deserves to die by הרג (decapitation), it should be done from the front of the neck (closer to the esophagus and trachea) by a sharp sword (to cause a quicker death) [rather than by using an ax to the back of the neck].
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Even during an evil person’s execution, the Torah teaches us to have mercy. We must always try to avoid torture (starkly contrasted to terrorists’ ideologies). If this is how sensitive we should be to others during executions, how much more so should we be careful to tend to our fellow friends’ needs on a daily basis. We should always try to love others as ourselves, as we should all live out full years until 120, G-d willing.