יום ג Date: 19 Adar, 5775 (3/10/15) – Kesuvos#36 {Tani}
[36a bottom] R’ Gamliel: Even a woman who is deaf or deranged is believed when she claims that she has been violated after Kedushin (first stage of marriage) [she therefore does not lose her claim to her Kesuvah money]. Proverbs [31:8]: “Open your mouth on behalf of the mute.” The Torah charges people (ie: the court) to act on behalf of anyone that cannot do so for themselves, especially advancing claims on behalf of orphans [see Rashi [87a], Bava Basra [23a and 41a], and Chazon Ish Even Haezer [82:21]].
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We need to stand up, speak out, and protect/defend those who cannot do so for themselves. Some have warped mentalities to ‘step on’ and take advantage of those weaker or more vulnerable than themselves. The Torah teaches that we never trample on others to raise ourselves up. We are obligated to help and protection everyone around us. Whenever we may be able to help those less fortunate than us, we should make it our responsibility to do what we can for them.