יום ב Date: 18 Adar, 5775 (3/9/15) – Kesuvos#35 {Tani}
[35a bottom] Rava: The torah juxtaposes the act of striking a person and the act of striking an animal. Although the second verse does not use the expression, “one who strikes,” it does speak of inflicting a wound which is done through striking. [This comparison is expounded (as a Gezeirash Shavah) to teach that lashes-bearing offenses are directly compared to striking animals to teach that lashes is imposed without monetary payment].
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: The striking comparison teaches us that the actions are the most important behaviors (rather than just comparable words and teachings). Sometimes, we need to learn what not to do, not by what is specifically SAID but by what is actually DONE. A child may learn better behavior from watching what adults do versus what the they say. Actions are more likely to be modeled (as they are more impressionable on children). We should always watch how we act, especially when there are others who will be learning from us.