יום א Date: 17 Adar, 5775 (3/8/15) – Kesuvos#34 {Tani}
[34a middle] Gemarah: When a person slaughters an animal for idol worship, once he/she cuts even a little bit, it becomes forbidden and termed an ‘idolatrous offering.’ GM Chullin [40a]: Such an animal is forbidden for all benefit as soon as a person cuts “one pipe” in the animal’s throat (even if he has not completed act of slaughtering). Rashi: “One pipe” is a non-specific term which applies to even the slightest cut, even less than a full cutting of a pipe.
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Even the slightest bit of Aveirah (sin) should be avoided. Many times people delude themselves into thinking that something is only bad if the entire act is done (ie: “It’s ok to go to Vegas, I’ll just stay out of the casinos and away from the inappropriate places and shows,” or, “I’ll sit and talk with friends that a gossip but I won’t get involved in any evil speech.”). We need to avoid even the smallest hints of sin. Since one small incision makes one liable to severe penalties, we should always steer clear of any possible dangers.