שבת Date: 16 Adar, 5775 (3/7/15) – Kesuvos#33 {Tani}

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[33a bottom] Gemarah: Most of the time, when false witnesses get the punishments that they tried to give unto others, they are administered without prior warning because the “witnesses” never warned the victims they were plotting against in the first place. Even when false witnesses get an alternative punishment of lashes [different than what they were trying to accuse someone of (ie: by trying to disqualify a Kohen)] there are still no warnings required prior to their testimony because the verse states, “One law should be for you.” This teaches that the law is the same for all of you (ie: there must be one law for all false witnesses; that they ALL do not require warning).

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: In our society, many people think they are “above the law” and that they can get away with things just because they have fame, power, or money.  This misguided thinking leads to unjust treatment and inequality among ‘classes.’ This is not a Jewish concept. The Torah demands equally of all people to keep the Mitzvos and to follow the word of Hashem (regardless of worth/value). Some individuals may have more/less obligations than others (ie: Kohanim vs Yisroeilim and man vs woman), but that does not make anyone “better” than anyone else. Even though we all have specific jobs and unique roles to play, we are all loved by Hashem we should learn to view each other in the ways that He sees us.