יום ה Date: 14 Adar, 5775 (3/5/15) – Kesuvos#31 {Tani}

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[31a bottom] Gemarah: When a robber lifted an object (such as a purse) from within a house to steal it with intent to take it outside into a public domain on Shabbos, he would be liable to both theft and carrying at the same time [and would only be held accountable for one act, since they occurred simultaneously]. However, in a case where the robber stood still inside the house momentarily before going outside (in order to rest), his original Akirah (uplifting act) is deemed completed and when he resumes walking it begins a second act of transfer between domains [therefore, he could be liable to theft before transgressing the carrying prohibition, and would remain punishable for both sins].

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Sometimes, even when a person is sinning, Hashem will have mercy and only hold the individual liable for one punishment. We must always remember that no matter how many times we may stumble and fall, Hashem is always looking out for us and taking care of all our needs. G-d is our loving Father in Heaven and only gives us what is for our best (even when we do not deserve it).