יום ד Date: 13 Adar, 5775 (3/4/15) – Kesuvos#30 {Tani}
[30a bottom] Braisa: All misfortune is in the hands of Heaven except for, “sickness brought on by exposure to cold and heat.” Proverbs [22:5]: “Cold and heat are in the path of the perverse; One who guards his soul, will distance himself from them.”
Prac-T-cal Tidbits#1: Most things are in Hashem’s hands and completely out of our control, but there are some things that are somewhat in our domain. We are taught that we must do Hishtadlus (personal effort) and control our own safety. Especially during these cold and brutal winters (and hot and humid summers), we must do our utmost to protect ourselves from the elements. “ושמרתם את נפשותיכם” We must always guard our souls through taking care of our bodies, to protect the amazing vehicles that G-d blessed us with for our journeys.
[30b top] R’ Yosef and R’ Chiya: From the day the Temple was destroyed, even though the great Sanhedrin (court) has ceased to function, the equivalent punishments of the four types of executions have not ceased from occurring [ie: 1) stoning = falling from roofs / trampling by wild beasts, 2) burning = death by fires or venomous snake bites, 3) beheading = death by authorities or by bandits with swords, 4) strangulation = drowning in rivers or by quinsy (type of suffocating disease)].
Prac-T-cal Tidbits#2: Hashem has infinite methods to bring about His punishments and decrees. If a person sins and deserves punishments [without doing real Teshuva (repentance)], they WILL be delivered no matter the ‘final destination.’ We must realize that Hashem is always watching and recording every action and deed done. We should try to avoid all sins and never have to meet any types of punishment, especially from the final four (that are still around in other forms today).