יום ג Date: 12 Adar, 5775 (3/3/15) – Kesuvos#29 {Tani}

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[29b bottom] R’ Yesheivav: “Come let us shout in protest against R’ Akiva who used to say, ‘if any man among Jews who is not allowed to be with a particular woman does so anyway and has a child, the child is a Mamzer.’” R’ Yesheivav felt that R’ Akiva was needlessly increasing the number of Mamzerim among the Jewish people [as R’ Yesheivav holds that a Mamzer is only termed such when a prohibited union was violated which carries a penalty of Kares/execution (see GM’ Yevamos 49a)].

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Many times without even thinking about it, we needlessly increase troubles within our families/friendships by acting without thinking. We need to be extremely cautious before we say anything to another person that might be potentially harmful/hurtful to the individual. We should always stop and think of the power that our comments carry in order not to increase hurt to other people.