יום ג Date: 12 Adar, 5775 (3/3/15) – Kesuvos#29 {Eliezer}

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[29a top] Mishna: If a man violated a ‘Kusi’ Naarah (12-12 ½ yrs old), the girl’s father is owed penalty monies. Rashi: ‘Kusim’ are “Geyrei Arayos” (lion converts) who are not considered “true (Jewish) converts,” [G-d sent lions after these people for acting inappropriately, and out of fear they ran to the Jewish nation and ‘converted’ to be saved].
R’ Rosner: On the other hand, if one converts because of improper ideals (ie: out of love for a future spouse), even though it was completed with inappropriate intentions, the conversion is deemed (post facto) completely valid (as it at least entailed a proper commitment).

D-E-ep Thoughts: There is a huge difference in commitments based on fear versus love. Fear is an extreme emotional motivator, but when the worry dissipates the level of devotion may fade as well. Allegiances based on love are much more likely to remain loyal as responsibility comes from positive energies and not distressors. We should all strive to obtain real true everlasting resolutions in life, with G-d, our spouses, and all our friends.