יום ב Date: 11 Adar, 5775 (3/2/15) – Kesuvos#28 {Tani}
[28b bottom] Braisa: “Ketzatzah” is a ceremony performed when one of the brothers of a family marries a woman that is unfit for him [ie: a Mamzeress (woman born of a forbidden union)]. The family members would break a barrel full of fruit in middle of the public square and proclaim, “Our brother married a woman unfit for him and we fear lest his seed becomes mixed with ours. Therefore, come and take for yourselves a token (fruit as a remembrance token of his tainted future lineage) so that his seed will not become mixed with ours.”
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Just like Moshe did in this week’s Parsha [by breaking the Luchos (Tablets)], we must never sit back and remain silent when we need to take a stand. We have to rise up and speak about what we believe in. We must not stay passive and let wrong/dishonest things happen without becoming outraged. We need to speak up about improper relationships and help save our fellow Jews (and mankind). The assimilation rate is alarmingly high in America (and throughout the world) and each of us has to make concerted efforts to do our parts and help keep and restore proper Torah values.