יום א Date: 10 Adar, 5775 (3/1/15) – Kesuvos#27 {Tani}

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[27b bottom] Mishna: R’ Zecharyah ben Hakarzav said regarding his wife (who underwent the siege and occupation of Jerusalem), that ‘her hand did not leave his from the moment the idolaters entered Jerusalem until they left’ [testifying that she was not violated by the non-Jewish men]. But, a person cannot testify on his own behalf [and it is regarded as self-testimony due to the talmudic formula of אשתו כגופו (one’s wife is as oneself) (GM’ Brachos 24a/35b)] because he may stand to gain from his testimony (in that he may be permitted to stay with her) [Nimukei Yosef, R’ Akiva Eiger interpreting Rav, Emes L’Yaakov].

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always remember that ‘my spouse IS myself.’ Many times we forget much too quickly how as a separate man and woman, a couple is tied together as a unit. Just as we would never forget ourselves, we must never forget our spouses (who are literally our extensions and ‘other halves’)! Just as our right arms works with our left ones, so too must man and wife work in tandem collaboration to accomplish team goals as one complete whole.