שבת Date: 9 Adar, 5775 (2/28/15) – Kesuvos#26 {Tani}
[26b bottom] R’ Shmuel bar Yitzchak quoting Rav: When idolaters are in power, even if a Jewish woman is imprisoned only due to a monetary claim, the woman becomes forbidden to her husband [because the idolaters may violate her as they have no fear of forfeiting their money (and we worry that at some point the woman may submit willfully to her captors)].
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: When the Jewish people live (especially in their own country) under foreign rule, they are not truly safe. We belong to a Omnipotent Power with a higher calling to follow the Torah’s rules (and not just secular courts’ laws). In order to remain fully moral, we must abide by G-d’s unwavering concrete guidelines and not get lost in ‘modern’ acceptances.