יום ה Date: 7 Adar, 5775 (2/26/15) – Kesuvos#24 {Tani}
[24b top] Braisa: A person put down his pots and went to drink water from a river and both his inner pots and outer pots became Tamei (impure). Since he had tools of the trade in his pots that were for sale, prospective customers handled them for quality checking (and we assume impure people were among them which titles the pots as Tamei).
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Sometimes we like to feel that we can put our hands into “all the pots.” People assume that they are superhuman and can be in twenty places at once taking care of multiple different things simultaneously. By exclaiming here that ‘all pots are Tamei,’ we are indicating that one who stretches him/herself out so thin will disqualify EVERYTHING in the process [because NOTHING will be done fully correctly or with total proper focus]. We all need to know our limitations and never try not to stretch ourselves too thin. We should always keep proper balances with Torah, family, and work.