יום א Date: 3 Adar, 5775 (2/22/15) – Kesuvos#20 {Tani}
[20b top] R’ Ashi was once was unable to remember an incident concerning R’ Kahana. Even after R’ Kahana tried reminding him of details of the event, he still did not recall it. Eventually R’ Ashi thought about it, remembered the incident and testified on behalf of R’ Kahana while amazing him. R’ Ashi explained that he remembered the incident by concentrating on the matter to recall the specifics about the event.
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Sometime we try to help others with their “fuzzy memory,” but to no avail. Many times people need to be able to think about things on their own (time and awareness) to come to proper conclusions. Forcing people to act specific ways may in fact backfire. Additionally, it may be counterproductive to try and help people through things; as it creates crutches for them (which may not only be unhelpful but hurtful and insulting as well). We should always pause to reflect before intervening on another’s behalf to assess if our actions might do more harm than good.