יום ה Date: 30 Shevat, 5775 (2/19/15) – Kesuvos#17 {Tani}

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[17a bottom] R’ Shmuel bar R’ Yitzchak would dance before a bride while juggling three myrtle branches. When he passed away, a pillar of fire (in the shape of a myrtle branch) appeared to give him a great honor (because of how he used to gladden new couples at their weddings).

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: When we want to get involved in Mitzvos (like entertaining a bride and groom), we should go all out [while maintaining proper respect]. We should specifically step outside our comfort zones to gladden others (which shows it is not really about selfish motivations). Some ideas of how to put super smiles on peoples’ faces include: dressing up, wearing funny hats and sunglasses, juggling with fire, showing off creative personal posters, and handing out “KEEP SMILING” cards (which can be ordered for Free at: http://thedailysmile.com).