יום ו Date: 24 Shevat, 5775 (2/13/15) – Kesuvos#11 {Tani}

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[11a middle] Gemarah: Once a female minor convert becomes an adult, she is given her Kesuvah (money required in case of divorce) if a marriage did not work out. We are not worried that she will renounce her conversion after that and leave Judaism, because once she becomes an adult for even one moment and does not renounce her conversion, she can no longer do so thereafter.

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Just a moment has the power to change a person’s destiny forever. We should always grab onto as many moments in our days by filling them with good deeds and Torah learning. We should never sit around just to “kill time” and appreciate all the greatness that we can achieve that will carry on forever with us in the world to come.