יום ה Date: 23 Shevat, 5775 (2/12/15) – Kesuvos#10 {Tani}

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[10b bottom] R’ Chana of Baghdad: Dates warm the body, satiate, loosen the bowels, provide energy, and although they are sweet, do not lead to finickiness (dependency on fine foods).

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Everything that Hashem created in this world was done to enhance His glory and for our humanely benefit as well. Even a small fruit like a date is packed with huge benefits! One should realize how great and wise Hashem is, and how He packs such great power in bite-size goodies. We should always learn to see the magnificence and brilliance in all of G-d’s creations to exclaim, “Mah gadlu maasecha Hashem, m’od amku machsh’votecha,” (How great are Your works, Hashem, how very subtle Your designs).