יום ד Date: 22 Shevat, 5775 (2/11/15) – Kesuvos#9 {Tani}

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[9b top] R’ Shmuel bar Nachmani quoting R’ Yonasan: Any man that would go out to fight in a war for the house of David would write a Get (bill of divorce) for his wife before he left for battle [in case of death, G-d forbid, she would retroactively have been divorced from the time that he left]. Therefore, when King David took Batsheva for a wife (while her husband was in battle) it was not truly a sin [since her husband died on the front lines, she was technically single at the time of King David’s incident with her].

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: When people first read the story of King David and Batsheva, sometimes they assume the worst without analyzing the details properly (and thinking that he sinned). All too often we only take cursory glances and automatically look for the worst in people (as we do not investigate correctly). We should always be careful to look for the good in people before jumping to conclusions.