יום ד Date: 22 Shevat, 5775 (2/11/15) – Kesuvos#9 {Eliezer}

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[9b top] R’ Shmuel bar Nachmani quoting R’ Yonasan explains that King Dovid did not technically sin with Batsheva. Rather, King Dovid’s failing is described by a Medrash when he asks Hashem [Sanhedrin 107a-b] why his name is not mentioned in connection to G-d in prayers [whereas Avraham, Yizchak and Yaakov are]. Hashem answers simply that he had never been tested like they were. Dovid then mistakenly asks for a physical test, when in fact his real test was not to be haughty and never ask for it in the first place! R’ Tatz: Dovid realized later that he failed [he should have just lived as G-d commanded without seeking self-fulfilment], and some explain Dovid purposefully had the incident with Batsheva to prove that he could be humble after all (because otherwise he would have been even more arrogant by saying, “Look G-d, I told you I could pass any test you threw at me!” which was his haughty sinning attitude that got him in trouble in the first place].

D-E-ep Thoughts: Unlike in school, sometimes a “passing grade” is in actuality a failing. On the other hand, many failings are in reality passings. We know Hashem always has our best interests in mind and people often question their life events. When a deal may go sour, or a job opportunity is ‘missed,’ there is usually something better and bigger in the works! We must have complete Faith in G-d and believe it is all in our best interests. This will make us lead much happier and fulfilled lives as well, as well as restore our connection to our ultimate Life Planner.