יום ג Date: 21 Shevat, 5775 (2/10/15) – Kesuvos#8 {Tani}
[8b middle] R’ Chanan bar Rav: Everyone knows what happens on the night of a wedding, but anyone who debases oneself and expresses it through an explicit remark, then even if a favorable decree of seventy years has been sealed for the person is reversed and a seventy year decree of evil will be put in its place [as using the unique aspect of man’s speech (above animals) for evil degrades this capacity and in essence of all one’s humanity].
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: The gift of speech is so powerful! All too often people speak with way too much inappropriateness and a lack of Tzniut (modesty); talking about things they should not be and have no ‘right’ to speak about. We need to respect each others’ privacy (especially a new couples’) and should never talk about private matters with others (unless they are seeking proper advice/help). In our modern society there is little/no shame and it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain standards. We must try to watch our mouths and respect the sacred relationships of those around us, and thereby respect ourselves as well.
[8b bottom] R’ Shimon ben Lakish and a Braisa quoting R’ Yosef: One should never give Satan (the evil inclination) an opening. Maharsha: By speaking evil, the bad words gives Satan, who functions as a prosecutor in the Heavenly tribunal, an opening to demand that man be punished as he himself admits that he deserves it. Words have creative powers [דבר Dibur=word is the same letters as דבר Davar=thing]. R’ Yosef [In Yishaya]: People compared themselves to Sodomites, and opened themselves up to the same punishments (because it was mentioned).
Prac-T-cal Tidbits#2: We should never give openings for evil to enter. We should make sure to always only wish well and good upon ourselves and everyone around us. This way, G-d willing, we shall cause goodwill, peace, and blessings to spread throughout our families, friends, and the world around us.