יום ב Date: 20 Shevat, 5775 (2/9/15) – Kesuvos#7 {Tani}
[7b bottom] Braisa: The Rabbis: We recite Sheva Brachos (the 7 wedding blessings) in the presence of a Minyan (ten men) all seven days of rejoicing post-ceremony. R’ Yehudah: These blessings are only said when there are Panim Chadashos (new faces) are at the joyous meals.
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Ten men are needed to publicize a matter and construct “a gathering” of people (an ‘Eidah’). Each time a new face arrives to the Simcha (joyous occasion), it is as if there is a new celebration for everyone present! This makes it appropriate for the Sheva Brachos to be said again. The next time we go to a wedding or Sheva Brachos meal, we should keep in mind the grandness of celebrating the new couple in the Jewish nation with our ancient holy and wonderful customs.