יום ג Date: 1 Teves, 5774 (12/23/14) – Yevamos#80 {Eliezer}

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[80a top] Gemarah: If one was sick previously and now is still sick upon examination, do we assume that he/she was sick the entire time or not (perhaps there was an interval of healing in between these two stages)?
Achiezer– By people (as opposed to objects), we do not simply apply the principle of Chazakah (to rule an object by its previously known state). This is because a person’s sickness is subject to change.

D-E-ep Thoughts: Sickness/healing is always in a state of flux because Hashem brings it for a specific purpose. If one needs to be punished for certain actions, once the course has been run, G-d will remove the pain (as He always wants only good for us). Additionally, when one is able to change him/herself enough through Teshuva (returning through repentance), the decree that was applicable to the individual’s former self will no longer apply [and the sickness will be removed]. We must always remember that nothing ever happens to us without specific Divine intervention, and we should accept G-d’s gracious “gifts” with joy.