יום ב Date: 30 Kislev, 5774 (12/22/14) – Yevamos#79 {Tani}

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[79a top] King David decreed that the Gibeonites are unworthy of marrying into the nation of Israel because they lack one of the core features of the Jewish people (that they are not merciful) [the three defining Jewish traits are: Mercifulness, Bashfulness, and Kindliness].

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: When a man looks for a wife to get married, many times he is looking for the wrong elements. “She must be this tall! “She must be from out of town! ” “She must have done this or that!” However these are all only superficialities. A wife (and husband) needs to encompass the three key elements of what it means to be a Jew. One who is lacking any of these three traits, even if they are “really super nice and sweet,” is not worthy or considered real marriage material to bring up a family within the Jewish people.