שבת Date: 28 Kislev, 5774 (12/20/14) – Yevamos#77 {Tani}

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[77b bottom] R’ Shimon: A Kal Va’chomer (logical argument) should reason that female Egyptian and Edomite converts would be accepted into the Jewish congregation right away (without having to wait three future generations). This teaching is also a Halachik oral tradition passed down from his masters (and thus cannot be refuted through argumentation).

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Sometimes, traditions and Minhagim (customs) prevalent among various Jewish sects are vastly different from each other. People may wear extremely different clothing or perform Mitzvos in very distinct ways. Traditions (with proper Mesorah), must be accepted and respected, as they are handed down from our ancestors’ ways of life. We should always be proud and loyal to our heritage, yet never look down upon others’ practices, especially when they are dissimilar to our own.